How RIAs Can Use Technology To Leverage Their Strengths And Mitigate Their Weaknesses

< 1 minute

Last Updated on November 15, 2022 by Connor Prendergast

In this Episode

Live From RIA Summit 2022 with Aaron Klein, Co-Founder and CEO of Riskalyze.

Aaron joined John Prendergast and Mike Langford for an expansive conversation about the inflection points that lead to the innovations advisors rely on today and those that are set to propel the innovations of the future.

Aaron also shared some details about the plans for rebranding Riskalyze as the company looks to grow beyond the perception that they are only “risk tolerance questionnaire” provider.

Also mentioned in this episode is a conversation John and Mike had with Kieran Bol from PriceMetrix by McKinsey on the company’s study that echoed Aaron’s comments about the lack of growth for most of today’s financial advisors.


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