Want high performance? You need to do these 4 steps publicly

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Want high performance? You need to do these 4 steps publicly

And build a culture around it, even if you’re solo

It doesn’t matter if you’re a
↳ Financial Advisor.
↳ Solopreneur.
↳ Or CEO.

→ We all want high performance.
→ We all work with others.
→ We all get let down.

But I’m not let down very often at Blueleaf Wealth

→ Am I a tyrant?
→ Do I threaten and
→ Manipulate to get output?

Nope. The reason is
We’ve built a culture of praise.
And it works with contractors and PT too.

e.g. Recently we delivered:
↳ A fantastic redesign of our client reporting.
↳ This video is what I put on our Slack
↳ Channel to the entire company.

It turns out
There is a way to praise people
That encourages more high performance.

This is how we do it.
↳ Make it part of
↳ Your company’s story
↳ With a reminder of the stakes.

4 Steps of Effective Praise:
1. Make it Personal – Deliver the praise yourself. Call the people out by name. Not the team or department.

2. Make it Public – Do this in as public a way as possible. Everyone shares in the success and feels more motivated

3. Make it Specific – Be specific about why this matters to the business and to you. “Great job’ won’t cut it.

4. Connect to Stakes – Layout the stakes and why it matters. Connects action to the mission and acts as a guide for the future.

In our case, the redesigned reporting is even further ahead of competitor’s offerings.
↳ More beautiful.
↳ Easier for clients.
↳ Better for advisors’ brands.
↳ Paves the way for the future.

Check out the video for a REAL example.

This is part of how we create a high-performance culture. You can too, even if you’re solo.

How do you deliver positive feedback to colleagues?


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