She said “The way you communicate with clients is self-centered”

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She said “The way you communicate with clients is self-centered”

I couldn’t believe she said it but she was right.

→ I was listening in on one of our
→ Long-time customers talking to
→ Someone in a mastermind group.

She has a big, fast-growing practice and was sharing about how she did it.

She said “As an advisor, we’re often taught to focus on the big moments:
↳ Tax time
↳ Plan reviews
↳ Annual meetings
↳ Quarterly reporting”

“Those are YOUR MOMENTS. Not your client’s.”

“That is just when YOU want or need to talk to them.”

→ “Their lives happen
→ 365 days of the year, not just
→ When you plan to speak with them.”

Then she said that in between the big moments, clients are often:
↳ Frightened by the media.
↳ Nervous about the markets.
↳ Thinking they missed something.”

“You have to connect more in THEIR MOMENTS”

She recommended her communication mix:
↳ Automated financial update.
↳ Simple problem/solution content

Monthly or as needed
↳ Personal service updates – what her team specifically did.
↳ Quarterly reports, annual reviews, and other touchpoints.

“That’s what grew my practice. It will grow yours too”

She said it was because frequent, personalized communication resulted in:
↳ Predictable referrals
↳ Deeper client relationships
↳ Increased client satisfaction and trust
↳ Enhanced client engagement and adherence to financial plans

And with automation, it was actually LESS WORK.

“Engagement breeds understanding and trust.”

It worked for her and it can transform your practice too.

What surprising lessons have you learned about client engagement?


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