Your job as a business leader isn’t to empower your employees

< 1 minute

Last Updated on August 29, 2024 by Connor Prendergast

Your job as a business leader isn’t to empower your employees.

Let me explain.

Employees walk in the door with power.

They want to:
→ Have an impact.
→ Improve their own skills.
→ Help the company grow.

(if they don’t, you’re making bad hires)

So your job as a business leader isn’t to empower team members.

It’s to remind them of the power they already possess.

And create the conditions for them to exercise it

So ask yourself, are you:
→ Removing obstacles?
→ Providing resources?
→ Aligning goals?

Don’t just talk about empowerment.

Recognize its only source: Your people

And create an environment where it thrives.

Because that’s how you unleash your team’s full potential.


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