Engaging Clients By Building An Innovative Experience Using Purposeful Design

Posted by John Prendergast

1 min Read

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In This Episode

H. Adam Holt, CEO and Founder of Asset-Map is not the first financial advisor to have had an epiphany that led to a revamped approach to how we worked with his clients. But, he just might be the guy who’s quest to design a client experience that led to the most meaningful impact for the wealth management industry to date.

As you’ll hear in this episode of the podcast, Adam and his team at Asset-Map have made a key discovery about the business of wealth management. We are in the “process as a service” business. Financial advice isn’t just being a resource for clients and managing assets. It is about a process for helping clients maximize their life experience.

Resources Mentioned In This Episode:

John is the co-founder and CEO of Blueleaf and is an active startup advisor. He is also an experienced entrepreneur and senior executive. As part of 6 founding teams, he has led the product management, marketing, and finance functions. His background in banking and wealth management has shaped the vision for Blueleaf.

Blueleaf’s Aggregation System is a Finalist for a 2023 Wealth Management Industry Award